REGISTRATION: Join us in October 2024 for our next season's registration- Date TBD!
LOCATION: Nittany Dreamers practices at the State College Alliance Church
AGE LIMIT: Children from age 4 to grade 12 are encouraged to join!
LESSONS: At registration, students are assigned to a beginning-season class. Placement in classes is solely up to the instructors. As the season progresses, students may be moved to another class due to ability levels and the tryout process. Students interested in both twirling and silks are encouraged to take both classes if they'd like. When parade routines begin to come together in January, students in both classes will need to decide which they will do in the parades.
TRYOUT POSITIONS: Each year, tryouts are held for two positions -- those in the Advanced Group and Feature. At the beginning of the season, all interested students wishing to try out for either position will receive information about the required tricks, with tryouts held in December.
COST: Monthly tuition is $45.00 and registration for new members is $20.00. A discount for multiple students/lessons is available.
ATTENDANCE: It is very important to attend practices. New skills are taught, and time is provided to work on and fine-tune tricks. When we begin to develop the parade routines, attendance is very important as well. Your child's part in the routine is vital to the look of the group as a whole.
LOCATION: Nittany Dreamers practices at the State College Alliance Church
AGE LIMIT: Children from age 4 to grade 12 are encouraged to join!
LESSONS: At registration, students are assigned to a beginning-season class. Placement in classes is solely up to the instructors. As the season progresses, students may be moved to another class due to ability levels and the tryout process. Students interested in both twirling and silks are encouraged to take both classes if they'd like. When parade routines begin to come together in January, students in both classes will need to decide which they will do in the parades.
TRYOUT POSITIONS: Each year, tryouts are held for two positions -- those in the Advanced Group and Feature. At the beginning of the season, all interested students wishing to try out for either position will receive information about the required tricks, with tryouts held in December.
COST: Monthly tuition is $45.00 and registration for new members is $20.00. A discount for multiple students/lessons is available.
ATTENDANCE: It is very important to attend practices. New skills are taught, and time is provided to work on and fine-tune tricks. When we begin to develop the parade routines, attendance is very important as well. Your child's part in the routine is vital to the look of the group as a whole.